
ASAP Corner Submission Guidelines

What are we looking for?

The ASAP Corner is our new home for reviews. Earlier a part of the Weekly Features, we have now freed reviews from the queue, for they are best served hot.

We welcome previously unpublished reviews of books, films, TV/web series, theatre, music albums, video games, etc.

We prefer reviews with a literary bent and not Instagram-style promotional reviews (although we hold nothing against them).

Submissions are rolling and we will try to publish all accepted reviews as soon as we humanly can.

Submission Checklist

Your review (file name: Your Name_Review) of up to 1000 words (12-pt, single-spaced, any readable serif font, and references instead of footnotes, if any) in doc/docx format

Photo of the book/film/album cover attached as jpg/jpeg/png file

No need to introduce/summarise your work unless you want to share relevant info

We don’t require CW/TW but you’re welcome to include them.

No contributor bios, please. We will solicit bios and contributor photos upon acceptance.

Please mention if it is a simultaneous or exclusive submission.

Email [email protected] with the subject line: ASAP Corner Submission

Incorrect/incomplete subject line may cause us to misplace your email, leading to a non-response from our end.

Please do not send multiple emails and create more than one email thread regarding the same submission. Also, do not send in a new submission in an existing email thread.

Please visit our About page for our publication ethics to make a note of what we will not consider and for additional insight into our editorial process.

For further clarification, please check the FAQ or contact us via email or social media DM.


Submission deadline: We are open year-round.

Strictness on Word Limits: We won’t mind you going a little over the word limit.

Sim-subs: Yes, just let us know upon acceptance elsewhere & withdraw. However, if we have accepted and you’ve agreed, please don’t withdraw or request us to replace already accepted work with another work.

Reprints: No unsolicited reprints.

Response Time: Within a month (often sooner, but can vary). Feel free to query after a month has passed.

Submission Fees: No.

Payment: We wish we could.


Copyright of the work remains with the contributor.
We ask for First Electronic Publication Rights and credits when your work is republished.
We also ask for Archival Rights on our website indefinitely.

For further clarification, please contact us via email or social media DM.

X (formerly Twitter): @HooghlyReview | Instagram: @thehooghlyreview