Matthew Johnson — Excerpt: Angelou is not just telling the play-by-play of an ordinary sporting event; she invites her readers to experience it.
My Name’s Reacher. Jack Reacher. And I Just Want the Violence to Stop
Daniel Seifert — Excerpt: I carry a little chart of the human body, and I cross off each area where I’ve broken someone’s bone.
The Mayfly
Michael Smith — Excerpt: As a schoolboy I was shocked, outraged even, that a creature could have its entire existence limited to just one day.
Writing Against Oblivion
J.D. Isip — Excerpt: If we are honest, we all want to be ghosts.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Mary Buchanan — Excerpt: The only question left for you to consider now is what happens when Mickey shows his shadows—his deeper, fallible, more steeped-in-sin-human qualities—over what audiences have been conditioned to expect.