“This issue is so big. The murals span the globe, covering six continents and coming about as close to Antarctica as one can get. The issue also represents the small. The writers have taken in the tiniest of details in these images and turned them into magic with their words.”
— From the Editor’s Note by François Bereaud
Featuring Roberto R. Pozos
Abhik Ganguly | Adele Evershed | Aleksandra Nikčević-Batrićević | Alison Griffin | Amy Barnes | Andrea Villa Franco | Antara Mukherjee | Arti Jain | Aster Leonis | Beth Sherman | Betty Carr | Binod Dawadi | Charles Pineda | Cole Beauchamp | D.C. Nobes | DW Baker | Devjani Bodepudi | Doug Jacquier | Dragana Kršenković Brković | Ecem Yucel | Elisa Dominique Rivera | Gretchen Filart | Hema Nataraju | Isaac Kilibwa | JD Clapp | James Lilliefors | Janna Wilson | Jay McKenzie | Jeff Bogle | Jonaki Ray | Karen Grose | Kathleen Fullerton | Kritika Narula | Laura Cooney | Louella Lester | MJ Huntsgood | M.R. Mandell | Madeleine Armstrong | Maria Mocerino | Mathew Gostelow | Maureen Tai | Michele Parker Randall | Mona Mehas | Natalie Wolf | Nishi Pulugurtha | Noopur Vedajna Das | Philippa Bowe | Prithvijeet Sinha | Rachel Turney | Roger Hare | Ronita Chattopadhyay | Sarah Das Gupta | Sayantani Roy | Shalini Maiti | Shikha Sawhney Lamba | Sonja Berry | Sumitra Singam | Suze Kay | Tim Moder | Veeddeya Dheda