Surabhi Katyal — Excerpt: I would never tell anybody about MIDAS and my score. I was sure the result was enough to send me home. And I did not want that.
Ghosts on the Radio
Damayanti Saha — Excerpt: I could feel Aishwarya Rai’s smile on one note, an eyebrow raised, and excitedly but mistakenly remembered Dola Re.
There Are Way Too Many Obits for Rock Musicians
Michael Fowler — Excerpt: You might say I was born to rock, or at least reached puberty to rock.
The Mayfly
Michael Smith — Excerpt: As a schoolboy I was shocked, outraged even, that a creature could have its entire existence limited to just one day.
Writing Against Oblivion
J.D. Isip — Excerpt: If we are honest, we all want to be ghosts.